Maggie Ritnour, LMHC, LCAT, ATR-BC, CEDS

What do all those letters mean?

licensed mental health counselor,

board certified art therapist

& certified eating disorder specialist


Maggie grew up in snowy region of upstate New York, making memories with imaginary friends and dreaming of becoming a dancer. Now, she’s in Brooklyn, where you can find her biking around, enjoying a slice of pizza, or just sprawled out on the ground like a starfish.

Maggie earned her BFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York and her Master’s in Psychology from Antioch University Seattle. With over two decades of experience in art therapy, she works with adolescents and adults, specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, chronic depression, anxiety, and excessive self-control. She is a Health At Every Size (HAES) advocate and a member of the Association for Size Diversity & Health. She strives to incorporate HAES 2024 revised principles & frameworks into her work and life.

Maggie is excited to be the first art therapist and first New Yorker on the RO DBT Senior Clinician Team! She has been intensively trained in Radically Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (RO DBT). She provides RO DBT treatment adherent individual sessions and facilitates RO DBT Skills Classes. RO DBT informs her work as an art therapist.

She is inspired by how art-making can reveal patterns in people’s lives, including their relationships with others, food, and their own bodies. Maggie firmly believes in the magic of art and its ability to create powerful connections.

Maggie is a somatic-informed therapist with an extensive background in movement, including professional Irish dance. She has expanded her expertise in mind-body connection through training as a yoga instructor, as well as studying Hakomi therapy, EMDR Level 1, and Embodied Recovery for Eating Disorders.

Contact Maggie: or call: 347-699-4893